Monday, January 11, 2010


Yes, I just do.

Dear brain,

Why can't you just focus and study all the subjects that you need to? Just try focusing for once, get your thoughts off the phone, the computer and the I-Pod. Stop waiting for something to happen on facebook. You are so unproductive, it isn't even funny. -.-

Why can't you not get distracted by random thoughts or random people and things that pop in and out all the time. Try being sane for a bit will you brain? For me? :D

Love, me.

College starts in a matter of days, and here I am still sitting down and not opening a book to study. I know I have to, but I'm just not. GR.

I've just finished cleaning up my closet. I need more space.
More space for everything. :)

Coldplay and TobiDei.
My two favourite things. :)


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