Sunday, March 7, 2010

blank spaces.

I've been staring at this screen for ages, thinking what to write. And I have no clue what to write or where to start. And then I remember why. I've been so unbelievably addicted to a few things I can't take my mind off.

1. Vampire Diaries

I started watching it a few weeks ago, and I totally love it. Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder. Yum. ;)

And for everyone that says, oh, its Twilight again. It's not like Twilight. Okay fine the character backgrounds are similar. Vampire guy and human girl. But honestly, Nina Dobrev has 5 different expressions, unlike Kristen Stewart's SINGLE stoic expression, and Paul Wesley isn't only sooo much hotter than Robert Pattinson, but also so much more of a better actor. Yes, he has manageable and nicer hair and muscles. Yes, he's got emotions. :O *gasp*

Watch it. Its a series that's totally worth your while. :D

2. Charice Pempengco

Since she appeared on Starking in Korea, and was invited by Ellen DeGeneres to sing on her show, and then Oprah featured her on her own show - pulling a few strings to arrange a meeting with Celine Dion. And she sang with Celine Dion at Mandela Bay before she was picked up by Grammy-winning David Foster. And she has two singles out now. Oh, did I mention she was Filipino? :O

Note to God

And, she has a single featuring Iyaz too.


I think she's fantasmic. :)

3. Dance

I went with Imma to my first ever latin ballroom class at college. I admit, I don't suck as bad as I thought I would. LMAO. The steps weren't extraordinarily hard, it was just getting the style. Thank goodness Imma was there to accompany me, he's good. :P It was a good class, and I can't wait for next week. It should be funfunfun.

Grade 8 exams are pulling up, and I can't afford to screw up. I seriously stink at free movement, and even more in Russian. I somehow manage to screw up every class. How terrible.

And I need a new level of flexibility for modern and jazz. Oh so inflexible.

4. White Collar

You probably would not have heard of this show, it's not on the regular tv in UK. :S But its a good show. TRUST ME. :D

Characters from L - R : Peter Burke, Elizabeth Burke, Neal Caffrey, Mozzie.
I love Mozzie. He's so so so funny. :P

The Story (from wikipedia):
Neal Caffrey (Matt Bomer) is a con-man who was captured after a three-year game of cat and mouse. With three months left while serving a four-year sentence, he escapes from a maximum security federal prison to find Kate, his ex-girlfriend. Peter Burke, the FBI agent who captured Caffrey, catches him again. This time, Caffrey gives Burke information about evidence in another case; however, this information comes with a price: Burke must have a meeting with Caffrey. At this meeting, Caffrey proposes a deal: he will help Burke catch other criminals as part of a work-release program. Burke agrees, after some hesitation. Within a day of being released from prison, Caffrey already lives in one of the most expensive houses in Manhattan, after persuading an elderly widow to rent him her guest room. After catching the elusive Dutchman, Caffrey has proven to Burke that he will help him, and that he will not try to escape again. However, at the same time, Caffrey is still looking for Kate, who he believes is in trouble.

It's honestly a good show. Watch it. :D

5. Heroes

This is one of the things that have completely pulled me away from homework and studies. I don't think its a fantastic show, but I just kept watching to see what would happen. I don't get the fact that they keep killing people and bringing them back to life afterwards; and I don't get the fact that there are sooooo many twists in the story, new family members every few episodes or so. Otherwise, its good. :P

I love, love, love, how Ando has a power and plays a main part in Season 3. :D

Ah, I don't lie. I watch it for Milo Ventimiglia.
And oh yeah, Hayden's a good actor too. :)
And I would die for her power. :D

And the rest of my life has just been sprayed with panic and contemplation. To continue with swimming or not? To bother being active in any other clubs or not? I don't feel like growing up anymore. :(

press play;


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