Friday, December 24, 2010

santa and the elves.

Every year, its been tradition whenever this festive holiday comes around, me and my sister mess up our entire room till it looks something like this...

..for the sake of making our aunts and friends Christmas presents! :D

Therefore, I shall present the head elf. My one and only sister. Her creative outlet runs deep, and she's pretty awesome. * If it wasn't obvious. I'm Santa. NYEH. :P * Just to fill out the team, the other elves that pop in from time to time : my cousin all the way from Australia and my daddy. :)

Together, for the past two days, we modeled figurines out of Sculpey clay and paper clay, wrapped the entire household's gifts, made gift tags and cards. But, I believe pictures would illustrate the work-in-progress more clearly.

mr.tall without shoes and the unpainted christmas tree.

disassembled and unbaked.

clay lettering.

candycanes, pepermints and more candycanes.

gift tags.

i spot a harry potter piggy, a mouse and a very adorable stocking.

Total time spent: approximately 12 hours
Total creativity unleashed: 110%
Total fun: countless


Just popped the modeled clay into the oven. It won't be long now. :D

FIY: I've stretched my non-existent artistic skills so far for this. Seriously. Art and crafts are not exactly my prime forte. XD


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