Wednesday, October 8, 2008

#7 } year eleven dilemma.

Mid Semester exams have already begun, where teachers shove piles of assesments and projects in your crummy face and laugh at you when you can't complete them in time.
Haha. Nawh, I'm kidding. My teachers aren't that mean. They're cool. :D

I need to get a tutor to tutor me Physics. My knowledge of Physics . . . let's just say that I know up to the mass of a pea. And I just don't understand why I'm too dumb to absorb any of the information and apply it. :/ I'm hopeless at common sense and how everything links up, making everything worse. If only I could have a portion of Yul's street smartness.

So there goes the world's most retarded swimmer-dancer-perfectionist.

Moving on to matters of today, well, I guess today wasn't too bad. I was up til 2 this morning msn-ing with Chris and Reza, and so waking up for school was a fair problem. But, i felt so nauseous and sick and dazed and hungry and strains in my stomach I couldn't budge. It wasn't til 9 when I finally got to school. And the only problem? The homework I spent nearly 6 hours doing yesterday (and today morning) ; I left it at home. :S My dad had to bring it to school for me, which was lucky because if not, I would have lost a great deal of marks not handing up my business homework. That was fortunate. :D

After that, my biology test felt like crap. All plants. And I stink at learning about plants. Can you imagine a year eleven-er forgetting what the darned stigma and carpel is. I even dissected the flower thing before, and I forgot completely. It was so bad, I think my chemistry was better. :'( Imma pray I don't fail. And get an A. Hopefully.

oh those times which my best lab partner charis. :)

I can't train today. Pooh. My dad doesn't allow me to. I am supposed to "rest". Especially after today. Man, I need a better imune system. My body is so flimsily weak. I gotta learn howta sleep for just two hours a day. LOLS.

I cannot believe that IGCSEs are in 8 months or less. I think I'm going to pass out here. But, I can wait for that moment, I think.

outta here.


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