Monday, July 20, 2009

# 157 } revenge of the fallen.

I've finally watched it.

Action packed.

Well, I nearly cried when Optimus died.

And, I love Jetfire.

And I love the Autobot twins even more.

And who can forget the ever awesome Bumblebee?

I loved the part where Bumblebee started bashing up the girl that took a ride in Sam's car. Haha!

I loved it.
I didn't think it was draggy or stereotype (I hardly watch movies anyway), and I thought the special effects were the awesomest since HP and LOTR. Unlike everyone else, I thought it was awesome.
That's me. :)
*will so watch Harry Potter soon*


..lacks a human touch?
The guy who wrote this, is just too full of himself.

If humans dont get enough screen time, is that a reason to hate it?

And, the review I totally support against all MB haters everywhere;

I am so sick and tired of critics who look for “a solid storyline” or “character development” in a movie about alien robots who disguise themselves as regular earthly machines. Its an action movie where robots fight, of course there will be explosions. Would you rather they put on a tutu and dance? YOU ARE A STUPID IDIOT. This is a great entertaining movie, the CGI is amazing, Megan is hot and Josh is oh so smokin.

Transformers 2 reviews are useless because no Transformers 2 review will stop people from seeing Revenge of the Fallen. A Transformers 2 review truly means nothing, for if Transformers 2 reviews could stop big Transformers 2 Reviews More Meaningless, Dreadful Than Ever box office, Michael Bay would be out of work. Michael Bay lives on his movies being critic-proof, and Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen reviews are no exception.

Michael Bay - makes awesome movies that make millions in the box office, entertains a lot of people ( otherwise it wouldnt make millions ) versus critics who… who do what exactly again?



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