Monday, December 7, 2009


I could barely get off bed today, and yesterday was full of tissues, tears and throbbing head pains. The only reason I'm blogging is to move my fingers so they don't get as numb as they did yesterday. Good grief.

Apparently, I've caught my stupid sister's viral flu, and its been taking a terrible toll on me. My head has probably been hurting for freaking ages as it is, and even at the mall yesterday, it was so hard to watch New Moon in peace.

(Besides the fact the movie was long, it was like a million times better than Twilight, and Taylor Launter was so unbelievably hot. Those abs, ZOMG. And screw Malaysian cinemas for cutting off the kissing scene AGAIN. I swear, I was soo upset. Anyway, I'm totally for team Werewolves now. Wayyyy too hot. I loved it basically, but I wish it was much much shorter. But then again, I ain't a massive fan, so I'm okay with that. Yes, I think I almost peed when Jacob took off his shirt. :P)

I cannot ever sit next to Lina or Sugeeta in the theaters again. They talk LOADS. Josephine was the only one that kept me sane. And Ka Shing I guess, for not talking. :D Then after the movie, we went to Nandos. By then, my arms were already numbing up, and I could barely move. And when I got back, I tried watching Gossip Girl to take my mind off the pain, obviously that didn't work. And I ended up crying and crying in pain in my room.

Thankfully friends like Lina, Sugee and Ka Shing kicked in. In my moment of pain and deliriousness, I honestly wanted to just hit my head against the wall so hard so that I would faint and not feel anything. Its times like these when I really needed them badly because my parents and grandpa were out at a wedding. And I couldn't think to save my life. Hearing their voices and advice totally comforted me loads. And I love them so. Thanks so much guys. I love you all to bits. And thanks to my sister, who helped loads. Loads. I don't hatechu as much now kayy?

I'm honestly sorry I had to bother you guys, but I'm glad I know there are people I can always fall back on.

Okay, now I'm going to vomit.
Try not talking to me in the meantime. You won't be able to hear me talk anyway. Throat doesn't really allow that.


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