Monday, July 19, 2010

age old mystery solved?

So, people, you CANNOT use the riddle, "Which came first? The chicken or the egg?" and puzzle someone anymore. Because, now, its been proven that the chicken came first before the egg. :D

According to this article here, the egg shell is formed using a protein from the chicken as a catalyst to convert the calcium carbonate to calcite crystals to make up the shell of the eggs. And so, just like that, life gets a little less complicated.

And well, from the Bible, we all know that God created animals. I guess if we all stopped trying to explain everything with science, we can save a few millions and still have the answers we need. :P

Align Center

Monday, July 12, 2010

mad charity show.

So for the first time ever, I'll be doing hiphop numbers on stage. Oh what the hell, its the first time I'm attempting hip-hop ever. The only thing I've done that comes close to hip hop? Grooving and dancing at parties/clubs/proms. Which is a stretch, cause obviously I have no experience at all in anything street. But, I'll totally try, and make it as natural as possible. Hehehe.

It's going to be a dance show, full of all different styles from sultry salsa to flowing contemporary to hard hitting hip hop. A tale of a girl with determination, skill and passion.

So come support the event? :) It's definitely one of the first to raise money through dancing, and it is geared up to be a promising night.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Thursday, July 1, 2010


Lies. I hate them, and yet, I believe I’m the best at telling them. Throughout my life, I’ve lived with so much regret. Lying as always been a natural reflex, as much as I hated it. Very few people know about who I really am, my personality, achievements and history. Why? I’ve lied my way through. Maybe not lied as per say, but withheld information that would’ve made the truth clear.

Sure at first I’ll feel good about lying, that I managed to make someone laugh, prevent someone from further agony or impress someone. But this feeling never lasts. Some lies don’t even have benefits, but yet I do it anyway. As soon as complications arise, I lie even more to cover up my original lie in hopes of the truth never being uncovered. And then when I’m finally caught red handed, I creep into a little hole full of regret, anger and self-pity and pretend nothing else exists.

I lose something every time I lie. A friend, someone’s trust - I lose myself.

Sometimes I look back and think, who am I really? Am I fictitious? Am I someone who only cares for herself? Am I someone that simply pretends to be selfless? Or, am I what people make me out to be?

I hate lying. I hate lying to myself. I hate lying to my friends. But yet, I can’t stop myself from doing so completely. My reasons are not sound, but my gut pushes me on to do the evil deed anyway. And I must always face the consequences.

But for the people I trust, I’d do that.