Tuesday, November 25, 2008

# 40 } career, career, career.

I can just laugh over Physics and Maths all the way.
I don't know whats up with my exams, but its not good.
Okay FINE.
IT IS SO BAD, i'm laughing.

Anyway, I really can't stand it when people come up to me and go like - hey, what are you going to do in the future?
Truthfully, I have no darned idea.
So after this, my mom's probably going to make me go through career books or something.

I could be a dentist..

..or an insane businesswoman..

..an "ive-never-been-out-in-the-sun" lab researcher..

...Mohana's personal towel holder (when she's famous!)...

..or a psychopathic dance teacher..

...a chocolate factory owner..

...or just be me!

A/N: lol, this is a very bad picture. good okh 07 memories. :)

off to study chem tomorrow.


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